Wednesday 29 July 2015

White House rejects online petition for the pardon of Edward Snowden

The White House on Wednesday dismissed a petition calling for the U.S. to pardon fugitive government contractor, Edward Snowden, whose revelations about government spying prompted international outrage and damaged relations with key allies.

Responding to a petition on the White House website, President Barack Obama's homeland security advisor, Lisa Monaco, said instead Snowden should face justice in the U.S.

``He should come home to the U.S. and be judged by a jury of his peers not hide behind the cover of an authoritarian regime.

``Right now, he is running away from the consequences of his actions,’’ she said.

Snowden sought asylum in 2013 in Russia after providing documents about the extent of the U.S. National Security Agency's surveillance of internet and telephone records and spying on foreign allies.

The revelations prompted reforms to the U.S. surveillance programme, but the White House has maintained that the revelations were damaging to U.S. security. (dpa/NAN) 

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