Thursday, 12 November 2015

World conference on Public Relations in emerging economies holds in Nairobi November 15-18

Renowned communications experts led by Lord Peter Selwyn Chadlington, (UK) Mr Paul Holmes (of the Holmes Report), Esther Cobbah, (Ghana), Bala Muhammad (Nigeria), and Mr Gerald Mullally from the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom to mention but a few will be in Nairobi November 15-18. They will be trainers in the World Conference on Public Relations in Emerging Economies (WCPREE) ( hosted by the Public Relations Society of Kenya ( in conjunction with the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management.

Lord Chadlington, a senior client advisor of Huntsworth plc, supports the Kenya government’s strategy for the recovery and revival of tourism. He will speak on Aligning Public Relations/Communication to support Country Vision. His firm Huntsworth is the largest independent international consultancy group operating from 72 principal offices in 31 countries around the world. Previously, he founded the PR firm Shandwick in 1974 developing it into the largest PR consultancy in the UK, a position it held for 17 years. After he sold it in 1998, he went on to found Huntsworth that includes the PR Company Grayling Ltd which has recently started business in Kenya on the invitation of the Kenya Government.

Another industry leader Paul Holmes will speak on Achieving sustainable development in emerging economies through effective public relations’. He is the CEO of the Holmes Group that assesses the state of Public Relations and communications globally and publishes it in The Holmes Report. The group also manages the prestigious industry awards the SABRE Awards competition.

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